BNF Engineers Ltd.
Introduction: BNF Engineers Ltd. is a Consortium of three Prominent Company as Bakul Enterprise, Needs Engineers & Faysal Enterprise (BNF) has formed a Consortium for the innovation of different types of big size construction works in Government and autonomous organization. Mainly in the Power Sector BNF is very prominent for their good will contribution of Local works.
To provide meaningful work by satisfying the customer’s needs. And by developing world class building structure.
Managing and Organizational strength
In setting up the project organization emphasis has been each component of study work. As such at one hand a flexible organization to accommodate a variety of tasks. We the people working here, not only a team but a family who work together from beginning to the end of a task.
01.Name of the Company : BNF Engineers Ltd.
05.Managing Director : Engr.Md. Mostafa Kamal
02.Present Address : House # 595 (2nd, 3rd & 6th floor,) Road # 09 DOHS, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216.
Tel: 02-58070854, 02-58070856,Fax:58070863.
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
17/1, Saidabad, Dhaka -1100
Phone: 88-02-9567915, 9572017
03.Business Address : House # 595 (2nd, 3rd & 6th floor,) Road # 09 DOHS, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216.
Tel: 02-58070854,02-58070856,Fax:58070863.
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: &
17/1, Saidabad, Dhaka -1100
Phone: 88-02-9567915, 9572017
04.Status of the Company : Limited Company.
05.Name of the Director : Chairman: Md. Shafiul Azam
Managing Director: Engr.Md. Mostafa Kamal
06. Year of Establishment : Consortium established in 2012
07.GIR / TIN Number : TIN No.580-300-1560/Cir: 103, Zone-5, Dhaka.
08.VAT registration No. : Area Code: 210602, VAT registration No: 21221062470.
09.Existing office space : 7000 sft.